Playground Park

Tucked between Truth, Ride and Angelou streets, Playground Park is actually two playgrounds in one. It has a Jungle gym & Jungle rope dome for older kids and the Berms &…


Gabrielino Park Playground

This children’s playground is on the corner of California Avenue and Gabrielino Drive and is between the barbecue area and the basketball court.

Coltrane Corner Park Playground

COLTRANE CORNER POCKET PARK WILL BE CLOSED APRIL 16-30 FOR RENOVATION. The space-themed playground at the corner of Coltrane and Pauling features a spinny-ride and a climbing structure.  In addition,…

Vista Bonita Park Playground

Vista Bonita Playground

The Vista Bonita Playground is far from the street, close to the restroom, and lots of fun.  Many kids refer to it as “the red park”.