January 15: Where Will You Vote in 2020? League of Women Voters Talk
CLICK HERE TO RSVP Find out about the new way of voting coming to Orange County in 2020: Vote Centers and Ballot Drop Boxes. Gone are the local polling places…
DetailsCLICK HERE TO RSVP Find out about the new way of voting coming to Orange County in 2020: Vote Centers and Ballot Drop Boxes. Gone are the local polling places…
DetailsAgenda items included a presentation from UCIPD; a presentation from Victor VanZant regarding the Las Lomas apartments; a resident requesting reconsideration of a denied architectural improvement form; a request from…
DetailsCall for Nominations to the Homeowner Representative Board Hello Neighbors, The HRB is the University Hills Homeowner Representative Board, a community-elected body of volunteer residents. The HRB advises the Irvine Campus…
DetailsBook Club Readings: From the NYT 1619 Project Letter From a Birmingham Jail: https://www.africa.upenn.edu/Articles_Gen/Letter_Birmingham.html RSVP: hobartt814@gmail.com
DetailsThe 2019 Uhills Photo Contest Winners! University Hills recently held its first annual photography contest and the results are in! This inaugural year’s theme was “Community and Diversity”. We received…
DetailsMargo Finlayson, Vice Chair of The Climate Reality Project OC Chapter, will deliver 24 Hours of Reality: Truth in Action, a presentation on current climate change science, impacts, and solutions globally and here…