2022 Homeowners Representative Board (HRB) Election
February 11-February 27
The election kicks off on Friday, February 11 and runs through Sunday, February 27 to allow three full weekends for voting. The election will be run using an electronic election application that provides security and anonymity. Ballots will be sent to each email address on file. Remember, the HRB election is one vote per household (street address), so if you go to use your voting key and get an error message, it means someone else in your household has already submitted a ballot.
Check your email for a ballot from the Uhills HRB. If you did not get a ballot and would like to vote, please email your street address to barbara.correa@icha.uci.edu. Thank you for voting.
The University Hills Homeowners Representative Board (HRB) is a community-elected body of volunteer residents. The HRB reviews property improvement applications and meets monthly to consider community issues. The HRB also advises the Irvine Campus Housing Authority (ICHA) Board, works with Management on community matters and advocates on behalf of residents to build community. More information is available at uhills.org and icha.uci.edu.