Dear Neighbors,
We are collecting California Redemption Value (CRV) containers to benefit UCI’s Basic Needs FRESH Hub food pantry. We are partnering with Recycle from Home for this project: they will collect your sorted/bagged/tagged CRV recyclables from the Community Center at 12 pm every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month beginning in May.
We will have an information booth about Recycle from Home and UCI FRESH, and an initial collection day, at the Earth Day event at the Community Center on April 30th, 9–11:30 am. Bring your recyclables and come check it out!
To learn more about how YOU can get involved,
please read the full letter from the Sustainability Committee:
E-Waste Recycling
EZPC will be onsite collecting your old electronics. For the complete list of items that are accepted, please visit:
Jackeez Beez
Enjoy the sweet honey spun from the rescued bees of University Hills! For a few years, Jack has saved the many nests founds all over the hill. He’s rescued several colonies to ensure they continue to produce delicious honey for all to enjoy. Swing by his booth to purchase jar!
FREE Garden Mulch Recycled from UHills Landscape Waste
Enrich your soil, suffocate your weeds, retain moisture, minimize erosion, attract worms, beneficial fungus and bacteria, AND enjoy the beautiful garden view! Thank you to
Leonard Chadiz Tree Service!
FREE Drug Giveback
Dispose of your old medication safely with UCI PD and the UCI Pharmacy Students!
FRESH Hub Food Drive
Donate nonperishable items to the UCI Basic Needs FRESH HUB from 9am-11:30am