Attention race fans! Dust off your running shoes, tune up your bike, and dive in to challenge your neighbors! For the race scheduled on 2/9 from 5am to 10am, none of the University Hills roads will be closed, only certain roads within UCI itself. It will operate as an “open course” throughout University Hills, meaning that the road will be open to cars and the bikers will obey the rules of the road, with the help of race traffic volunteers. There will be a closure of Anteater drive between California Avenue and Bonita Canyon Drive during the race, and UCI Transportation will be directing traffic and signs will be posted. For more information about the race, please click here.
Road Closures and obstructions:
– The intersection of Pauling Court and Gabrielino will be controlled as bikes cross that intersection up Gabrielino, but cars will be able to pass through there.
– The intersection of California Ave and Gabrielino will be a controlled intersection as bikes cross that intersection, turning left onto California Ave.
– The intersection of California Ave and Anteater Dr. will be a controlled intersection by UCI Transportation
– California Ave left of the California Ave and Anteater Dr. intersection until Anteater Rec Center will be closed by UCI transportation (does not impact residents leaving University Hills)
– Anteater Dr. between California Ave. and Anteater Dr. intersection to Anteater Dr. and Culver intersection will be closed on the south bound lane (Blocking exiting off Turning St.).