Contractor Phone: 949-857-5972
Contractor Referred By: Numerous people

1 Comment

  1. Hi Keith,
    A few years ago you built raised beds for my plot at the Anthill Village Community Garden on the UCI campus. My name is Joanna Itoh. I’m very happy with the work you did for me.

    Our community garden has had a green waste “receptacle” made of a bedframe outside the garden for a couple of years now. It has now rotted and needs to be properly built. When I saw that, I thought of you and wondered if you might be interested in taking on this project. If you are interested, I’d like to meet you at the garden so that we can look at the site and talk about a possible design and price for the project. Please let me know. You can reach me by text or phone at 949-275-1067,

    Best regards,
    Joanna Itoh

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