Minutes, HRB Meeting, July 10, 2012
Julia Wan reported for the entertainment committee. Raiders of the Lost Ark will be shown on Saturday, July 14 at 8:00 p.m. in the Gabrielino Park. The August 10th movie will be Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory with an overnight camp out in the park to follow. The movie for September 7 will be the Secret Garden.
The annual University Hills Fiesta will be Sunday, September 16th in the Gabrielino Park. This year’s theme is Emergency Preparedness. Additional details will be released nearer the date of the event.
The annual Haunted House may or may not occur this year. Luke Cantrella and Christine Hegel who have coordinated the event the last two years are moving to New York. Please contact Julia Wan or Jeff Beckwith if you would be interested in creating this year’s Haunted House. Another possibility is a Halloween costume parade and party at the community center.
Santa Claus will visit the community center on Saturday, December 16 or Sunday, December 17, final date to be determined. Santa and Mrs. Claus will have books for the children along with cookies and juice and coffee for the adults.
The Entertainment Committee is in the initial phases of planning a New Year’s Eve party at the community center.
The Communications Committee will work with Andrew Herndon and Nina Macdonald on getting resident spouses UCI guest email addresses. This will allow residents to receive alerts from the UCI police department regarding campus emergencies, etc. to registered cell phones and home computers. In addition, wifi would be available at the community center.
The new signs for the dog park will be printed and posted shortly. Problems with keying at the entry gate have been resolved with new lock mechanisms.
Signs will be posted in the showers at the swimming pools limiting shower time to five minutes. The HRB has received several complaints of people taking excessive time in the pool showers. The showers are for rinsing off prior to entering and after exiting the pools or Jacuzzis.
A new ping pong table has been purchased for the community center.
The tennis courts and basketball court have been resurfaced and striped.