A news item is one item from the newsletter.

Transportation Study: Wikimap Survey Results

January 20th:

As part of an ongoing review of transportation-related issues in University Hills, the UHills Transportation Task Force (an ad-hoc committee created by the HRB to collaborate with ICHA and with transportation consultants in order to identify areas for improvement) invited residents to identify locations of concern in our neighborhood.  At the fall fiesta, we collected comments cards and post-its on a large printed map.  We followed this up with an on-line "wikimap" version, allowing residents to pin specific locations and submit comments. 


HRB Election 2017 — Call for Candidates

The HRB has four seats open for its upcoming election.  If you are interested in participating, please send a short candidate statement to aherndon@uci.edu.  The statement should include brief information about yourself and your reasons for volunteering on the HRB.  Statements should be received no later than 9:00am on Tuesday, January 31st, 2017.  Voting will take place in late February, and those elected will be seated at the


HRB Minutes — January 10, 2017

January 10, 2017 HRB Monthly Meeting Minutes

Attendance. HRB: Steve Cauffman (Chair), Richard Haier, Sabine Kunrath, Sandrine Scherson, Bill Schmitendorf, Hobart Taylor. ICHA: Andrew Herndon.  Two other residents attended part of the meeting.  Jane Laning (ICHA President), Greg Jue (ICHA Board Chair), and Victor Van Zandt (ICHA VP of Plannining and Construction) attended part of the meeting.

4:00pm:  Architectural application review


Swim Team Survey & HRB Recommendation

At the November HRB meeting, residents presented a proposal to establish a University Hills ISL summer swim team.  The HRB presented this proposal to the community for feedback, posting the details at www.uhills.org/swimteam, and asking residents to fill out a short survey.  At the December HRB meeting, survey results were reviewed, and the pros and cons were discussed.

The HRB decision represents a formal recommendation to ICHA based on what we believe to be in the best interests of the the community as a whole.  


Thanksgiving Treasure Hunt

The hunt is underway!  Rules and clues are posted at the following URL:


Good luck!


Summer Swim Team Survey

The Irvine Campus Housing Authority (ICHA) and the Homeowner Representative Board (HRB) are considering a request by University Hills residents to establish, with the cooperation of the Irvine Swim League (ISL), a summer recreational swim team for children (ages 5-18) residing in University Hills. ICHA and the HRB have reviewed an initial proposal and would like to get broader feedback from homeowners prior to further consideration.



HRB Minutes — October 4, 2016

October 4, 2016 HRB Monthly Meeting Minutes


Attendance. HRB: Steve Cauffman (Chair), Richard Haier, Sabine Kunrath, Sandrine Scherson, Bill Schmitendorf, Hobart Taylor, BradConley. ICHA: Andrew Herndon.



HRB Minutes — September 6, 2016

September 6, 2016 HRB Meeting Minutes

Attendance. HRB: Steve Cauffman (Chair), Richard Haier, Sabine Kunrath, Bill Schmitendorf, Sandrine Scherson, Brad Conley, ICHA: Andrew Herndon.

4:00 — Meeting brought to order

4:05 — Traffic
