HRB Minutes – November 1, 2016


HRB: Steve Cauffman (chair), Brad Conley, Richard Haier, Sabine Kunrath, Sandrine Scherson, Bill Schmitendorf, Hobart Taylor.

ICHA: Andrew Herndon, Ron Reid, and Victor Van Zandt. 

Residents: Maura Mobley, David Meyer, Ginny Mumm.

Irvine Swim League: Lizzie Howard (Exec. Director of ISL) 

UCI PD: Chief Jorge Cisneros and Lt. Joe Reiss.

4:00 – Meeting begins.

4:05 – Victor presents on path viability.

Victor presented the results of his investigation into what it would take to add a path from the new Area 11 vista point down to California/Anteater. He explained, using engineering diagrams to illustrate, that such a path was not feasible for legal (ADA), financial (expensive), engineering (would require structural support), and aesthetic (unsightly switchbacks) reasons. 

While the board accepted Victor’s presentation on that specific concrete path, it still wants to know whether there is a place for unpaved paths (e.g., nature trails) in University Hills. Victor said he would report back with more information on that question.

4:30 – Legal issues.

A University Hills homeowner has filed a complaint against ICHA. HRB has asked ICHA to inform the board of public information regarding litigation, and to disclose to the board decisions or actions which could affect HRB or HRB meetings.

5:00 – Irvine Swim League.

Presentation & Proposal by UHills Swim Team Organizing Committee.

Residents Maura Mobley, David Meyer, Ginny Mumm, and Irvine Swim League Exec. Director Lizzie Howard answered questions about the previously distributed written proposal for a University Hills Neighborhood Swim Team.

Irvine Swim League has 20 teams; it follows USSA guidelines; it gets American Red Cross certifications. There are up to 130 swimmers per team; there are always 3 coaches “above water.” 

The HRB appreciates the effort of having a swim team in University Hills, but will solicit feedback from residents. To get that feedback, HRB will draft a survey that asks the Community for their opinions and concerns.

5:45 – UCI Police Dept. update.

UCI PD represented by Chief Jorge Cisneros/Lt. Joe Reiss

  • Events recap; thanks to Chief Cisneros for the Halloween Safety tips distributed to the community. 
  • PD will be consulted as part of the transportation study being performed by the UHills Transportation Task Force.
  • Within 5 weeks there have been 3 residential burglaries in University Hills. Similar crimes have also been happening in the City of Irvine (North Irvine, Turtle Rock), Newport Beach. They are considered as crimes of opportunity. They mostly happen between 10 am and 2 pm and they all employ the same “unusual” entry method (they are either opening or breaking the back windows/doors; the 3 affected homes were on the corner and had slopes behind them; the burglars are ransacking the homes, looking for cash, jewelry, & computers). UCI PD took DNA swabs from the crime scenes (submitted to OC crime lab). Burglary data here are also shared with the county. UCI PD responded by being more present in University Hills during the hours from 10 am – 2 pm. Andrew Herndon clarifies that all ICHA contractors wear vests/uniforms.
  • Wording of crime alerts: Chief Cisneros appreciated the input from residents regarding the wording of crime alerts. Instead of “suspicious persons & vehicles” future crime alerts will point towards “suspicious activity”. Chief Cisneros explains that the word “suspicious” is preferable to “illegal”, because residents should not need to judge legality. (For example, peering into each parked car along the street, one after another, using a flashlight, is not illegal, but is suspicious activity.) Chief Cisneros and Lt. Reiss emphasize again that the focus is on the behavior of people, not other characteristics.
  • Chief Cisneros renews his willingness to meet with residents/leaders of the Community, Safety, & Diversity group. The Chief stresses that there is always an open door for dialogue.
  • The draft of the Police Chief Advisory Group is finished; right now an application process is created. 15 groups (among them the HRB, Medical Center representatives, Faculty, Staff, Students) will be invited to participate in the Advisory Group. 
  • The Community Academy proposal is almost done. Academy classes will be open to people across the UCI system.
  • UCI PD has been working together with UCI Transportation to set up a volunteer program for people 18 years and older.
  • UCI PD (sergeants & management team) have completed their procedural justice training. They were the first university PD department in the nation to go through the training.
  • On 11/8 UCI PD will go through the Implicit Bias Training. The Department is excited to be trained by a UCI professor and would like to use more local resources for such trainings.
  • Officers have training requirements to help them deal with mentally ill people (around 15 hours). There are 25 psychologists on campus during work hours, which is also a good resource. 
  • All officers are trained in conflict resolution; de-escalation is incorporated in all the training.

6:20 – Andrew’s community update.

  • The University Hills Transportation Task Force hosted a booth at the October Fall Fiesta.
    They collected generous quantities of information from interested residents. The information will be analyzed and circulated as part of a community‐wide survey and finally forwarded to the engineering consultants for safety and transportation related recommendations.
  • Management and HRB are generally in consensus that the adoption of the City ofIrvine policy on short‐term residential rental activities was a reasonable and fair approach to establishing a policy for University Hills. Management will share the proposed policy with the community before recommending a formal policy to the ICHA Board.
  • Approximately 2,000 people attended the October 16th Fall Fiesta. Music, provided by the Barkley Jazz Ensemble, games, a photo booth, bounce houses and food and beverages, along with wonderful weather helped to generate the best‐attended event to date. A sincere thank you is extended to the HRB and ICHA Board members who volunteered their time.
  • The October Movie in the Parks, “The Wizard of Oz”, attracted approximately 150‐200 residents and closes out the Movie in the Parks program for the year.
  • The HRB’s 2016 Holiday Craft Bazaar, scheduled for December 10th, will include over 30 artisans who intend to display arts and crafts for the benefit of the community.
  • An Area 10 Pool ribbon cutting/grand opening is scheduled for November 6th from 10:00 to 1:00.

Community Maintenance Work in Progress:

  • Proposals to replace two tot lot components at the Gabrielino Community Park under consideration.
  • A shade component over the soon to be refurbished Vista Bonita Park tot lot improvements under consideration.
  • Urey pool equipment room structure stucco repairs and repainting
  • Eucalyptus tree trimming begins this month and runs through February

Architectural Control

Andrew reported that ICHA approved:

  • 1 new landscape installation
  • 2 window replacements
  • 1 solar installation
  • 1 new air conditioner installation
  • 1 rear yard tubular steel fence
  • 1 house painting
  • 2 landscape conversions

Andrew reported that these items are pending:

  • glass rear yard barrier
  • solarium room addition

6:45 – Meeting adjourned.