January 20th:

As part of an ongoing review of transportation-related issues in University Hills, the UHills Transportation Task Force (an ad-hoc committee created by the HRB to collaborate with ICHA and with transportation consultants in order to identify areas for improvement) invited residents to identify locations of concern in our neighborhood.  At the fall fiesta, we collected comments cards and post-its on a large printed map.  We followed this up with an on-line "wikimap" version, allowing residents to pin specific locations and submit comments. 

February 3rd:

Comments submitted during last week's walking audits with interested residents have been added to the links below.

Traffic speed and count studies will be conducted in February.

The feedback received is catalogued here:


A map showing all of the pinned comments:


A summary document grouping wikimap comments by location has also been prepared (and is attached below).