A news item is one item from the newsletter.

Fall Fiesta October 12th!

Fall is here, current temperatures notwithstanding! Join your neighbors for an afternoon of fun, food, and festivities!  The Fall Fiesta will be held at Gabrielino Park on Sunday, October 12th, from 1pm to 5pm.


HRB Minutes — September, 2014

HRB Meeting Minutes (September 2, 2014)

The meeting was called to order at 4pm. In attendance were HRB members Steve Cauffman (Chair), Brad Conley, Michele Walot, Jan Fisher, Mike McNally, Sandrine Scherson, Barbara Taborek, ICHA members Andrew Herndon and Ron Reid. Two resident tennis players and a tennis instructor attended portions of the meeting.

Tennis Court Usage Discussion

HRB invited several residents who had submitted written complaints to attend and discuss problems with tennis court use. 


Tennis Court Survey

HRB conducted an on-line survey from September 9-15 regarding tennis court usage.  The survey is now closed.  Results will be published soon.


HRB Name Game Winners!

Last month, we announced a fun little exercise to collect suggestions for the name of the new townhome complex that will soon appear on the south side of California Avenue, in Phase 10-4.  We received 75 entries, many of them serious. 

Here is how we proceeded to choose our favorites:

First, a de-identified list of entries was extracted from the table of submissions.


HRB Minutes — August, 2014


The meeting was called to order at 4 p.m. Present were Steve Cauffman, Chair, Michele Walot, Brad Conley, Sandrine Scherson, Barbara Taborek, Mike McNally, Victor Van Zandt, Andrew Herndon and Ron Reid.


The Lego Movie night was very well attended, with close to 300 residents in attendance. The Girl Scouts, under the direction or Tammy Smecker-Hane, gave out popcorn supplied by Andrew.

Upcoming Events


Enter the UHills Townhome Name Game!

Enter the UHills Townhome Name Game!

One part of the ongoing construction in Area 10 will include a community of 120 rental townhomes.  ICHA is soliciting naming suggestions for this new community.  Although the final decision will be made by ICHA, they have magnanimously asked HRB for a list of suggestions, and we thought the best approach would be to pass the buck to you!   


HRB Minutes — July, 2014

The HRB Met on July 1, 2014.  Present were Steve Cauffman, Brad Conley, Michele Walot, Jan Fisher, Barbara Taborek, Ron Reid and Andrew Herndon.

Recent Events


HRB Minutes — June, 2014

HRB Meeting Minutes

June 3, 2014

Attending:  Steve Cauffman, Sandrine Scherson, Michele Walot, Mike McNally, Jan Fisher, Andrew Herndon, Ron Reid.

New Construction Walkthroughs Prohibited

In olden times, new homeowners could, with prior arrangement, take guided tours of their new homes while under construction.  Lawsuits resulting from injury during such tours, and from observations of alleged construction defects, have led builders to strictly forbid such tours.  Sorry, folks.

DIY Reminder
