Attending: Jeff Beckwith, Cyril McCormick, Ginny Mumm, Sukamar Pal, Michele Walot, Andrew Herndon, Ron Reid, Laura Stearns (guest) Absent: Jan Fisher, Mike McNally Website Review- Nina was unable to attend but has been very responsive in updating suggested changes. The Community Center address will be added to the home page. The listserv information will be on the website and the procedure for posting alerts will be clarified. Earthquake preparedness tips will be available. Community Center Updates- Reservations are secured first come, first served when paperwork is complete. Andrew arranged a fantastic talk about mountain lions attended by over 100 residents given by a naturalist (name?). There will be a Rummage Sale Aug 7 (9:00 am- 1:00 pm) in the CC Parking lot. The rules requiring private insurance for CC events has been clarified limiting it to money making events or classes or gatherings with alcoholic drinks. Community use events, even after hours, will have a rental fee imposed but no insurance requirement. Ron Reid is fielding reservation questions. Andrew is checking on whether the CC falls under the University nondiscrimination regulations. Update on Movie Night and Campout- Deborah Shaka has arranged an Aug 21 outdoor movie ³E.T.² in Gabrielino Park to be followed by a Campout. There will be free popcorn and s¹mores. No glass or dogs, please. There will be kids¹ matinees coming at the CC. Children will have to sign in and need adult supervision. The first movie will be for younger kids (under 6) to be followed by one appropriate for older children (4:00 pm then 6:00 pm.) September Fiesta Planning- Ann Meyerhoff is anxious to cater the fiesta with a barbecue and either a "Magical Mystery Tour" or western theme. The music may be from a group "Paperback Rider"- a Beatles band. The date is tentatively set for Saturday Sept. 25. The entire Uhills Community is invited. Community Development- The Dog Run grass has been refurbished. Swim lessons have been held at the Urey pool. There will be a Classic Rock Concert at Gabrielino Park on Aug. 27. Bring Your Own Food and Beverages. Private reservations for the CC rooms have included book clubs, Girl Scout meetings, a Retirement Party, and a Mommy and Me Play Group. Community Outreach- Laura Stearns from RBS Consulting gave a presentation on their services to facilitate community outreach efforts as neutral outsiders. The HRB is planning for feedback vehicles as the neighborhood changes as housing build-out nears capacity. Respectfully submitted, Michele Walot