Attending: Jan Fisher, Mike McNally, Ginny Mumm, Michele Walot, Andrew
Herndon, Ron Reid, Nina Macdonald and Ken Chew-guests
Absent: Jeff Beckwith and Cyril McCormick

The new drop in hours for the Community Center are 9-8 M-F, till 10 pm with
reservations and 10-8 on weekends and till 10 with reservations.
Nina has further refined the new Uhills website which will open up as once approved by the ICHA Board. The community will find it much
more navigable and comprehensive compared to the old format.

The Community Center Opening Party was a rousing success although the
pancakes and fixings disappeared more quickly than anticipated. It was a
great opportunity to show off the center and see residents galore.

We received a raft of great suggestions for future activities which the HRB
is still reviewing. Look for movie nights and a summer campout! A couple of
requests for yoga classes and neighborhood gatherings were discussed. Two
potential Eagle Scouts are working on proposals to enhance the wild areas of
the neighborhood.

A resident on Russell has asked to remove two common area eucalyptus trees
but the HRB is recommending that they be pruned back instead. Ginny Mumm has
requested that any future pool be equipped with dive stands so that the kids
in Uhills can have a swim team based here.

Respectfully submitted,
Michele Walot