Inaugural Owl Box Launch (2021)

Four boxes were installed in 2021. The nesting boxes were built by neighborhood woodworkers and the pole mounting system and installation was provided by ICHA.
One box was repeatedly inhabited by bees and the site was deemed unusable. As of January 2024, three boxes remain and none are inhabited by nesting barn owls. 
In order to monitor the boxes, a remote portable camera outfit (borescope) was purchased with the funds raised by the Birding Club from Uni High School. These students monitor the activity in the boxes.


Owl box locations as of January, 2024


We remain hopeful that our boxes will be inhabited. We are investigating other box designs that have been used in our area for the next phase of installation. In addition to local successes in Crystal Cove and Turtle Rock neighborhoods, there are many other barn owl success stories and neighborhoods that have moved away from rodenticides and installed barn owl boxes.


What’s Happening Event (2024)

Photo by Audrey Kapelinski


Will barn owls harm my small dog or cat?

No, but if you leave the hamster out overnight…

Will barn owls be successful hunters in a neighborhood with street lighting?

Yes, and here is an article that will shed some “light” on the subject.

Are owls noisy neighbors?

For about 8 weeks during the nesting season (February-June in southern California), barn owls make loud screeching sounds and the boxes can be odoriferous.

Are there other raptors in Uhills?

Do the Horned owls hunt rats and nest in boxes?

Yes, they do eat rats! No, they do not nest in boxes.