HRB Meeting Minutes
March 8, 2010
Attending: Jeff Beckwith, Chris Hane, Cyril McCormick, Michele Walot, Andrew
Herndon, Ron Reid
We appreciate that Ginny Mumm and Jeff Beckwith have joined the HRB. Chris
Hane is stepping down and Michele Walot will stay on for another two years.
Sukamar Pal, Jan Fisher and Mike McNally are midterm now.
Community Center- The ICHA Board has reviewed the prospective Rules and
Regulations for the new Community Center and the HRB and ICHA staff are
still tweaking the details. Rentals will be in three hour periods with a
required security deposit. The ICHA offices will move in early May with a
building dedication on April 28 for past and present HRB and ICHA board
members as well as Community Center Committee members. A large University
Hills opening will be held around the July 4th  weekend.
The HRB is working on a community fiesta for September and a summer movie or
two. Another park sleepover is possible. The community survey will be sent
after the community center opening. There were no pending architectural
reviews. The police are still investigating the rash of missing packages.
Community Development Updates- ICHA is working on the 2010 / 2011 fiscal Year
budget planning. Research is in process for a possible permanent restroom at
Vista Bonita. The HRB will be discussing the desire and value of possible exercise
stations on certain trails throughout the community. The primary goal is to
enhance the neighborhood without raising UHills dues for the coming fiscal year.
Community interest and support will be queried via an on line survey.

Respectfully submitted,
Michele Walot